The Company began in the post war year of 1946 when Ted Adkins, home from the war in Europe, began selling candy from the trunk of his car. The company name was Central Candy Company and its customers were small independent grocery stores in and around the rural areas of Huntington, West Virginia. As rationing subsided and merchandise became more available the business quickly grew. Trucks were added and geographic coverage expanded when grocers discovered that they could offer shoppers toothpaste, aspirin, shampoo, and deodorant where before they could only be purchased in drug stores. This transition led to the company changing its name to Central Sales Company.
Today Central Sales Company distributes brand name nationally advertised health and beauty care products to C-Store distributors, Grocery and Drug Wholesalers, Candy and Tobacco Wholesalers, and Gift Shop suppliers throughout the United States.
Central Sales Company’s Present and Future Nathan, Ella, Luke, & David Adkins
Central Sales Company Founder Ted Adkins
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